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Baseball with a Mission through Amigos for Christ

Updated: Jan 3

By Heather Venhaus

Our family found Amigos for Christ last spring when we chose to forgo an out-of-state select tournament and instead use our resources to ‘do good for others’ with baseball. Googling ‘baseball service trips’ we came across The Amigos for Christ Baseball Academy. At the time, I did not fully appreciate the gem we had found and the blessings this mission trip would bring to our family.

Amigos for Christ is a U.S. based nonprofit organization that facilitates leadership, water, health, education, and economic development in rural Nicaraguan communities. Their mission is to serve, so that Christ becomes more visible. The baseball academy is one part of the amazing work Amigos for Christ is doing in Nicaragua. The program trains young athletes while promoting teamwork, inclusion, and Christian values.

Baseball is only part of the mission that Amigos for Christ pursues.
Digging a trench with Amigos for Christ.

The week we spent with Amigos for Christ encouraged us to step out of our comfort zone, meet new people, and experience authentic Nicaragua. I have never had so much fun working so hard! We dug trenches for clean water systems, worked on a sustainable farm, joined in celebrations at the local school, and played lots of baseball both in the community where we were working and on the Amigos fields.

Kids make friends quickly and language is not a barrier. It was a joy to watch our son Emmett alternate between physical labor and baseball with his Nicaraguan friends. When it came time to leave, Emmett made us promise we would return next year. On that note, our family is leading a trip June 15th - 23rd and we would love for you to join us! The mission trip will include baseball and lots of other opportunities to work beside the local Nicaraguan people to improve their communities. It is easy to think we are helping them, but after a short while it becomes clear we are the ones receiving the blessings.

Our family is leading a trip June 15th - 23rd and we would love for you to join us!

The Amigos team does a great job organizing the mission trips. Detailed information including an example week (ours will include baseball in addition to the items listed), trip costs, documentation requirements, details about the Amigos complex where we will be staying, and FAQ’s can be found on the Amigos for Christ website. Please check it out!

Baseball builds friendships on a mission trip with Amigos for Christ.
Kids make friends quickly!

Amigos for Christ mission trips are very popular. They have graciously saved us 12 - 14 spots for this baseball-oriented trip. During the week we are attending, the World Language Academy (a dual-language school in Georgia), a church group, and others will also be in attendance.

If you are interested, please let me know by February 15 so I can hold your spot. I will work with Amigos for Christ to organize our trip. You will need a current passport. No visas are needed. Vaccinations are optional but recommended. One important item to note is that Amigos cannot accommodate guests with peanut allergies.

I will be visiting the Texans on November 5th to speak to parents about this mission trip. I am also available for folks to contact me directly. Please fill out this interest form for more information about the trip.

For those interested in learning more about the integrity of the organization, information can be found on Charity Navigator, where the organization earned a 4-star rating. More information can also be found in the Amigos for Christ mid-year report where Emmett and his baseball friends made the front page! Check it out. They are super cute!

Amigos for Christ expanded our view of baseball and brought focus to living life with purpose. We hope you can join us for this amazing mission experience!

Heather, Matt, and Emmett Venhaus

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