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Introducing a New Partnership

We're excited to announce we have formed a relationship with Coach Lisle and the Hitting Vault . Coach Lisle currently works with numerous MLB, professional and college players and is a collegiate hitting coach. currently works with numerous MLB, professional and college players and is a collegiate htting c

Texans players will register to receive a full swing analysis with an individualized hitting prescription. This will be a powerful tool that will give you, your player, and the coaches the feedback and instruction to allow each player to develop the skills and drills to become a more confident and consistent hitter. These will be drills players can be working on outside of practice, and in practice with coaches.

We strongly recommend this for all Texans players. 

Hitting Vault has given us an amazing deal of only $50 per player to provide the hitting analysis and individualized coaching plan. 

Each parent needs to purchase their player's hitting analysis using code JS10 at checkout. This will lets us and the Hitting Vault know it's a Texan who has registered for their swing analysis. This swing analysis is normally a part of a $300 package.

Once you purchase the hitting analysis, you will receive an email from the Hitting Vault with instructions on how to shoot and upload video. To ensure clean and consistent videos for the analysis, we would prefer to do this for you in an upcoming Friday cage practice and we will do the upload for you.  Just reach out to Brian Reavis, our athletic director, to set this up after registering with the Hitting Vault.

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